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Accreditations & Awards

CNG is proud to be certified and recognized by some of the most important international accreditation and standards-setting bodies, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of educational and organizational excellence. 


The world’s largest accrediting agency, Cognia/AdvancED, named CNG as a “School of Distinction” for our outstanding accreditation rating achieved during the November 2021 evaluation process. Of the more than 1,500 schools reviewed last school year in the U.S. and internationally, CNG was the only school in South America to earn this special distinction. Previously in 2016, CNG’s accreditation rating of 340 out of 400 was the highest Index of Education Quality in Latin America, and our 2021 results were even higher – 388.5 out of 400! 


In 2002 CNG successfully achieved the ISO recertification with multiple commendations, including - but not limited to - our commitment to our core values throughout the global pandemic for our staff and their commitment to the students, the investments in technology during this time to ensure quality learning for all students, and other improvements in operational areas such as human resources and purchasing. This external auditing process is used by CNG to drive forward long-range institutional improvement initiatives as well as to embed organizational processes for long-term success. CNG is now ISO certified through 2024.


After completing a rigorous certification and evaluation process, CNG became recognized as a “Colombia 2020 School of Character” by – the first school in South America to receive this honor. Click here to learn more about CNG’s Character Education commitment and achievements.

Cognia, the world’s largest accrediting agency, recognizes CNG as a School of Distinction and as having the highest “Index of Educational Quality” in Latin America. CNG was also the first school in South America to be honored as a Colombia 2020 School of Character.